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Technologia dostępna
i zrozumiała dla każdego
Dążymy do bycia liderem branży w obszarze zrównoważonego rozwoju produktów webowych. KsztaÅ‚tujemy wysokie standardy jakoÅ›ci, dostÄ™pnoÅ›ci, przejrzystoÅ›ci oraz pracy w Å›rodowisku cyfrowym.
Świadomi wagi umiejętności miękkich w IT, dbamy o otwartą komunikację, stosujemy prosty
i zrozumiaÅ‚y jÄ™zyk oraz promujemy kulturÄ™ partnerskiej wspóÅ‚pracy.
Types of cookies that we use.
During a visit to our Site, the following types of cookies can be used:
permanent and time-limited cookies – depending on the period for which they are stored on the computer/laptop or the smart phone memory used to visit the Site. Time-limited files are cookie files stored for a relatively short period of time – they are deleted when you log out, leave the Site or close your browser. Time-limited files are also designated as session cookies for this reason. Permanent cookies are cookie files usually stored for a longer period of time than time-limited cookies – they are stored for a period of time determined by the parameters of the relevant file, or until they are deleted of your own accord.
Internal and external cookies – depending on whether the relevant cookie file comes directly from the Site or from a third-party site by way of transfer (i. e. through anonymous statistics when using Google Analytics). In the latter case we also recommend to make yourself acquainted with the cookie policy or the privacy policy of the relevant third-party site.
The information as to whether the relevant cookie file is permanent, time-limited, internal or external, as well as how long may it be stored, may also be obtained by using the relevant options of your internet browser – you can find out more on this by accessing the help options of your browser.
Cookie management, cookie consent.
Most Internet browsers on the market accept as standard automatically the storage of cookies. You may determine the conditions of use of cookies through the settings of your browser. This means that the possibility of storage of cookies on your computer/phone may i. e. be partially limited (for a period of time) or not possible at all – and in the latter case this may impede the operation of certain Site functions.
The settings of your browser concerning cookies are important with respect to the consent to the use of cookies by our Site – according to provisions of the law this permission may also be expressed by the settings of your internet browser.
More information on the settings concerning cookies and altering them, and how you may delete these in the most popular internet browsers, may be found by clicking on the help options of your browser as well as on the following pages:
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